Attention airlines, OTAs, travel insurance companies, eSIM providers, and other travel brands:

Give travelers more reason to choose you ✈️

Bundle a free Global Nomad Pass membership with your product or service, giving your customers access to exclusive discounts (up to 50% off) at local businesses worldwide.

  • Stand out vs. competition by offering your customers a unique benefit

  • Keep your brand top-of-mind for your customers 3X per day, all year long

  • Increase upsell revenue by including GNP in strategic bundles

  • Communicate directly with your customers through push notifications

  • Boost customer loyalty by providing GNP as a retention incentive

  • Enhance your customers' travel experiences worldwide

  • “We are elated about including the Global Nomad Pass membership in our plans. They have built a powerful program that gives great benefits to those spending time in these destinations, while helping to support the local economy.” - Andrew Jernigan, CEO of Insured Nomads

    Read more about our partnership 

Want to attract more travelers? Let’s chat! Book a call with us to explore how we can create a custom solution to meet your goals.